Rotate objects in an array at different points

Hi fellow members,

I’m new to Grasshopper and hope to get some advice.
How to rotate an array at the same angle from different points? For instance, I have four rows and three columns of rectangles. I have specified each rotational point (1, 2, 3, and 4) as the center of rotation for each row. However, the array only rotates at one point (in this case point 1) but not at the designated center of rotation (points 1, 2, 3, and 4) when using the Rotate 3D component. How to rotate at the designated points? Your suggestions and input are very much appreciated. Thank you.

Rotate an (46.7 KB)

Hi @Thum,

Welcome to the forum! You should look up how to match data in Grasshopper. You have to use lists and data trees (lists of lists).

Since you shared your sample file (thank you!), here is a modified version that simplifies the process:

  1. Try to create one panel, rotate it as needed, and then copy it around.
  2. Try to calculate the rotation point based on the input geometry so you don’t have to change two inputs.

Rotate an array - (33.0 KB)

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there is another way to accomplish the rotation task as well:

Rotate an array (29.3 KB)


Hi @mostapha,
Thank you very much for your constructive suggestions. Greatly appreciated.

Your way looks simpler to achieve my target. Thank you too!

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