Hi @MingboPeng. I believe I installed OS 2.5 with EnergyPlus. To be sure I redid the installation with everything included (I believe last time I took out the parametric analyses part). The missing \ was now added correctly but the batch file still wrote out energyplus V8.5 rather then using the version installed with OS. The fails because of this.
I tried going back to OS 2.1 (with EnergyPlus included in the installation, should be 8.7) as I found some mention of this being an officially supported version for the last stable release of HB. Openstudio writes and runs successfully now but still does so using the Energyplus 8.5 I have installed. If I run through OS itself then it uses the 8.7 version installed with OS. (see headers from html below).
Any thoughts?
Using HB:
Using OS: