I have a problem when running IDF File using “HB Run IDF” where when I run using the “HB Run IDF” component the results on zsz do not change, even though I have added a script to add string in the component “HB Model to OSM”, and I have added a separate output variable that does not exist in the HB Simulation output.
I’ve tried running IDF on “EP Launch V. 23.-2”, after simulating the results “incsv” appears and outputs the results I want.
It’s unclear what you mean by “no results found”. It sounds like you’re just requesting a new E+ output but something like that would not have any impact on the zsz csv.
Do you want to share a sample to explain what you are talking about?
Thank you crhis for responding to my question, Here I show my sample, the point is in outline, I added add string to the component “OSM” and I want to bring up the result in “grashoopper”
Ok, I think I understand your confusion, @adenurmap . The zsz.csv does not contain any of the EnergyPlus simulation results in it. It’s just a record of initial “Zone Sizing” information that you get when E+ starts simulating. All of the “real” results are contained within the SQL output. So that is where you need to look if you want to get the results you requested and you should use the HB Read Custom Result to do so. Here is a sample:
Thanks @chris for providing a good solution, but there is a little more problem, I did add script text to the add string related to OTTV. for LB Legacy text ottv it runs well on grashopper.
When I switched to version 1.8, the OTTV results were very difficult for me to display directly on GH. my way to see the results of the script that I added to the add string “OSM” is by:
Open the IDF file generated by the “OSM” component
Run IDF via E+ to view the OTTV results.
After I open the Czv file, the OTTV ID output will appear
The fact that E+ gives you a warning about an extra unused schedule in your IDF is not a bug. EnergyPlus gives tons of warnings because the E+ developers thought they would be useful to some people. But pretty much all of them can be ignored unless they are Severe. And even some of the Severe warnings are safe to ignore.
I don’t know what you’re trying to do here with OTTV ID. Are you just asking how you get get the hourly timeseries results of EnergyPlus into a CSV format with some extra text that you add in the header row of the CSV? If so, the recommended way of doing this in LBT is with the LB Dump Data component and you can edit the headers of the data collections imported from the SQL file to have your OTTV ID before you dump them.