Hi all,
I have an error with the adaptative comfort map recipe:
Runtime error (PythonException): The recipe failed to run with the following summary:
Scheduled 36 tasks of which:
- 10 ran successfully:
- 1 CopyResultInfo(…)
- 1 CreateDirectSky(…)
- 1 CreateResultInfo(…)
- 1 CreateSimPar(…)
- 1 CreateSkyDome(…)
- 5 failed:
- 1 CreateModelOccSchedules(…)
- 1 CreateModelTransSchedules(…)
- 1 CreateViewFactorModifiers(…)
- 1 DynamicConstructionOutputs(…)
- 1 SetModifiersFromConstructions(…)
- 21 were left pending, among these:
- 21 had failed dependencies:
- 1 CopyGridInfo(…)
- 1 CopyRedistInfo(…)
- 1 CreateDynamicOctrees(…)
- 1 CreateOctree(…)
- 1 CreateOctreeWithSuns(…)
- 21 had failed dependencies:
This progress looks because there were failed tasks
Use the report_out attribute of recipe settings to see a full report.
Any thougths/ideas ?