I encountered a little problem with the sDA component.
I simulate a Annual Daylight and for the both analyzed surfaces, I have 300 lux on more the 50% of the time for each sensor (this can you see into the minimum value from the “bounds” component). But if I connected the DA results with the sDA component, they showed that the analyzed area with more than 300Lux/50%time, are sDA=100% only for the first surface, but 45% on the second. (I don’t understand what this value came from).
Hi @LaFleur, what you did, flattening the mesh list is actually correct.
For the question regarding percentage in % vs fraction of 0-1 I always assumed this is a more scientific method of reporting, in line with techincal papers etc. Usually percentage in 1-100 needs to be followed by the symbol % which might create unecessary clashes in the code.
Other than that explenation, I would also like to know when how the decision was taken, as some legacy components in the past used to have the 0-100 output.
but I don´t understand. I have other list on how I have both mesh and results divided in data branch format, and I don´t have problems. Even if the only possible way is flatten the mesh list, despite the result being grafted, I still don’t understand why if the meshes are “grafted”, why it gives me that 45% result, instead of reporting an error. If I hadn’t looked at it carefully, I would have left it like that, because as I said, I have other steps that with the same method don’t give me problems.
Thank you very much for the explanation of the second question.
yes, I understand how that might be confusing. In this case it has to do with the fact that the DA input is a Tree input while the mesh is a List input. In this case it means that if the list is grafted it will redo the calculation for as many branches of that list and calculate each mesh for only the first brach of the _DA tree. (which is why you get 1.0 for the smaller mesh and 0.45 for the larger, as it just has less items).
Might be counterintiutive, but there is a hint in the description of the component. [DA: A data tree…] vs [mesh: an optional list]