Separating/filtering Solar Radiation values and face area based on building height


Is there any way I can filter the solar radiation values and face area based on certain building height. For instance, the height of the building is 100 ft, having 6 faces. I want to get two separated ‘total solar radiation’ values and area for individual surfaces, one is from bottom base to 25 ft and another is from 25 ft to 100 ft.

(Attached here, is an example file. As I am working with rhino.inside with Revit models, I don’t want to split the model by planes through grasshopper before solar radiation analysis. I am wondering if I can get the value after conducting the radiation analysis.)
Radiation (427.5 KB)

Thank you!

Hi,@amanjayedi it is easy to do it. Just use dispatch to separate the mesh and data.

Radiation analysis-separate mesh and data by (444.0 KB)

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Dear @minggangyin,
Thanks a lot. That’s the exact flow I was looking for. Previously, I was using M+. However, MeshEditTools command (especially, mesh explode) is pretty great. Thanks for helping me out. :grinning:

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