Setting an ACH infiltration rate instead of M3/facade area in new HB

@ElzineBraasch and @AbrahamYezioro ,

I just added a new component to the code base that does that auto-calculation and assignment of loads based on an absolute number. You can get it by running the Versioner component and you can see how it works in the attached file:
image (120.0 KB)

FYI, as I was putting the sample file together, I uncovered a fairly critical bug that I fixed before adding the new component. Thankfully, the bug only affected 2 components from the last release (“HB Apply Load Values” and “HB Apply Room Schedules”) and, the bug only happens for the case that those components are used to edit rooms directly (everything is fine when they are used to edit programs). However, I labeled the bug as critical because it caused a mis-match between the loads displayed in Rhino and the loads that actually ended up in the energy simulation, which is understandably a big issue. This bug fix might be big enough that I update the link on Food4Rhino over the next few days but I’ll have to see. In the meantime, make sure that you either have the latest development version with the bug fix or, if you are using the previous release, you should do your load/schedule assignment through programs instead of applying load values and schedules directly to rooms.