Hi LBT team, excited about the latest release!
We have some complex scrims to analyze in the near future, and I was hoping the shademesh feature would speed up our PMV and peak load runs, however I’m confused on when to use it…
It seems like the shade component is outputting shademeshes whenever its fed meshes, but these do not seem to be compatible with other honeybee components… Is the intended purpose of this to output to a daylight only analysis, and not be used with any Energy+ simulations?
Sometimes our parametric models use meshes to speed up the processing time of the geometry and feeding that to say shapediver (which prefers meshes), is there a suggestion for how we can use mesh inputs for shades but retrieve a normal HB shade?
So it seems like there is potentially a need to maintain two different HB models if you have one script that runs both types of analysis…
Any insight would be appreciated! as always thanks again for your dedication to these tools!