Shading Cover Percentage workflow?

Hello! I was wondering if anyone has a neat workflow for calculating the ‘shading cover percentage’ for glazing. Shading cover percent as defined by:
Shading Cover Percentage=(Shaded Area / total area )×100
I feel like I’m missing something obvious within the toolset


Hi @TrevorFedyna ,
Sure there is, sure i have.
I’ll post here later a more detailed answer.

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Thank you @AbrahamYezioro !

The “Shading Cover Percentage” concept you called is called “Shading Coefficient” [SC]. Can’t say i’m the first one using it but it is a long time since i implemented it for the calculation you are asking for.
See this reference for more details [30 years ago … Oh my]:

Yezioro A , E Shaviv. SHADING: A Design Tool for Analyzing Mutual Shading Between Buildings. Solar Energy. Vol. 52, Number 1, pp. 27-37. 1994

As for the algorithm using LBT, I adapted a bit a file I use for one of my classes [calculating shading on open spaces]. (157.0 KB)
See yellow group. There you can choose to check all range of hours or hour by hour. In either case you’ll get the area of the surface, the area that compies with the desired number of hours and the percentage of the original surface area [This will be the SC]. See the blue group for the results.
Hope the file is pretty much straight forward to be understood.
Let me know if this is what you were asking for.

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Thank you! I’ll take a look when I can later today and let you know!

Thank you @AbrahamYezioro! I took a look at the file you shared and I think it will work for my use case! The outputs are perfect.
Thanks again! much appreciated.

Glad to hear.
Good luck.