I am currently modeling a dynamic shading device and I wanted to know how I can obtain hourly results of shading fraction values for the surface of the window located behind the shading device to then convert them into a CSV schedule. Is it possible to obtain such values, and which is the best way to do so?
Do you mean the percentage of the window area shaded by the dynamic shade in front of it? If yes, then you can do this using Ladybug Sunlight Hours component.
hi @devang and thank you for the interest,
yes, I am trying to use the Ladybug Sunlight Hours Analysis component but I don’t get how to take out a list of 8760 values correspondent to how much the window is shaded for each hour of the year. What would you suggest me to do? And what about the Ladybug Sunpath Shading component? Could it be an alternative?
Thanks, that’s clear now! But what about having a list of 8760 shading fraction values for the entire year that can be used as a schedule? Is there a way to obtain that?