Sharing the Process of Generating an SVG Image from a Heatmap

Hello everyone,

I have created an example of generating an SVG image from a heatmap using Ladybug Tools and GRAPHIC+ tool. This example improves the efficiency of analyzing the output results and provides a better way to establish an automated workflow.

This is an SVG image.This image can be magnified to a high degree without losing any details or distorting the quality.

I have also created a small tool to extract text information and positions from the legend parameters.You can use the following code in GhPython to create this tool.

import Rhino.Geometry as rg

# Input parameters
text_goo = Legend_Text

    # Try to extract plane and text
    plane = text_goo.m_value.TextPlane
    text = text_goo.m_value.Text

    # Output parameters
    plane_output = plane
    text_output = text
except AttributeError:
    # If AttributeError exception is raised (no m_value attribute), set output parameters to None
    plane_output = None
    text_output = None

This example is rough and based on my spontaneous inspiration. However, if Ladybug Tools can develop a small tool in the future that can accomplish this task more quickly and with lower resource consumption (as this process requires a large amount of memory), it would be even better. Alternatively, if someone is willing to share any new ways to improve this process, I can also try to create a small tool and share it with everyone.

Here is the relevant link for GRAPHIC+:
Graphic + | Food4Rhino
Welcome - Graphic Plus (

This is the example I used:
Automatic output (24.8 KB)



Thanks @ZhengrongTao for sharing your ideas and works. If you don’t require the output format has to be svg and as long as there is a way to generate a high resolution image, I think @devang has done something for the LBT core library that is able to generate visualization images without the Rhino. Maybe he could provide some thoughts.