simpleFoam.log not found

Just a quick follow-up. It seems like the problem is related to the decompose par dict option of the solution component. With it disconnected, everything seems to be working just fine.

Thanks for sharing that @stefan. Well, we all would like to use all logical cores when running Butterfly. Won’t we?

Definitely! :wink:
But if residuals are that important to you, I don’t see any other option than disconnecting decompose input for the time being.
I’ll certainly keep an eye on this thread in case someone solves this issue.

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Hello @devang @minggangyin @mostapha
I am also having the same error while connecting to decompose par dic . As i went through the discussions above though the residual values may not be important to visualise from solution component as list but we do require to visualise residual plot to check if it has converged.Unfortunately it is not possible if we connect to multiple processors.
Have you guys got any solution for it?.

Thank You

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Which version of Rhino are you using? Some people made it work with Rhino 6.

@devang Rhino 6 latest version.Is it working for you?

i got an error “simpleFoam.err not found” . Have you met this yet?

@devang any update on that ?

Hey, Rhino 6 here. I am getting the same error unfortunately. Thanks for posting the discussion topic.

I am also getting the error in the Butterfly Solution report:

Reading "c:/Users/User/butterfly/filename/0/initialConditions" at line 11
First token could not be read or is not the keyword 'Foamfile' 

Are you having that issue?

I am also having the same isssue. The butterfly simulation ran but return no residuals. And when checking the simulation folder, i could not find the simplefoam.log file either.

same same for me :confused:

I hope that we can find a solution to that …

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same error for me as well, had to disconnect decomposePar

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same for me
when I connect the decomposepardic

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hi change the setvars_of8 in bluecfdcore to setvars

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Hi @mah Thanks for an update. Can you please guide us here how can we make the changes you have described?

ye me too. have you solve the problem? :worried:

Hi YL, I have not solved the problem. I’ve resorted to visualizing the results in ParaView (following CEA - Lecture 8 Wind Assessment) and it works as a substitute.

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Yes, you are right. No Luck with decompose_par_dict

when we use decompose_par dict ,there is a file named mpirun (butterfly/your case/log),change the name mpirun to samplefoam, then run the plot residual,you will get the correct result.
Wish can help you.


Thank you it was helpful.