SnappyHexMesh crashed when meshing 9 buildings

I am confused about using SnappyHexMesh for meshing 9 buildings.I used the example file called 0.1_0_outdoor_airflow.I just changed the building geometry,other settings is default.
I am using Butterfly,with OpenfoamV1612+ in Windows 10 64bit.The blockmesh worked good.And the snappyhexmesh crashed in the process.My computer memory is not enough? Or some settings wrong?
Could you help me solve this question?
| ========= | |
| \ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox |
| \ / O peration | Version: v1612+ |
| \ / A nd | Web: |
| / M anipulation | |
Build : v1612+
Exec : snappyHexMesh
Date : Aug 27 2017
Time : 09:39:54
Host : "default"
PID : 13443
Case : /home/ofuser/workingDir/butterfly/outdoor_airflow
nProcs : 1
sigFpe : Enabling floating point exception trapping (FOAM_SIGFPE).
fileModificationChecking : Monitoring run-time modified files using timeStampMaster (fileModificationSkew 10)
allowSystemOperations : Allowing user-supplied system call operations

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
Create time

Create mesh for time = 0

Read mesh in = 2.14 s

Overall mesh bounding box : (-241.5472 -241.4418 0) (496.4376 536.2438 144.8633)
Relative tolerance : 1e-06
Absolute matching distance : 0.001081851

Reading refinement surfaces.
Read refinement surfaces in = 0.01 s

Reading refinement shells.
Refinement level 3 for all cells inside around_buildings_area.stl
Read refinement shells in = 0 s

Setting refinement level of surface to be consistent with shells.
For geometry outdoor_airflow.stl detected 0 uncached triangles out of 120
Checked shell refinement in = 0 s

Reading features.
Read features in = 0 s

Edge intersection testing:
Number of edges : 1684728
Number of edges to retest : 1684728
Number of intersected edges : 5583
Calculated surface intersections in = 1.68 s

Initial mesh : cells:554112 faces:1684728 points:576779
Cells per refinement level:
0 554112

Patch Type Region


6 wall buildings

Added patches in = 0.03 s

Edge intersection testing:
Number of edges : 1684728
Number of edges to retest : 0
Number of intersected edges : 5583
Selecting decompositionMethod none

Found point (127.4452 147.401 72.43167) in cell 402042 on processor 0

Marked for refinement due to surface intersection : 8820 cells.
Determined cells to refine in = 3.87 s
Selected for refinement : 8820 cells (out of 554112)
Edge intersection testing:
Number of edges : 1883850
Number of edges to retest : 250376
Number of intersected edges : 21198
Refined mesh in = 1.77 s
After refinement surface refinement iteration 0 : cells:615852 faces:1883850 points:652499
Cells per refinement level:
0 545292
1 70560

Marked for refinement due to surface intersection : 38502 cells.
Determined cells to refine in = 0.04 s
Selected for refinement : 40392 cells (out of 615852)
Edge intersection testing:
Number of edges : 2787132
Number of edges to retest : 1118049
Number of intersected edges : 85655
Refined mesh in = 3.17 s
After refinement surface refinement iteration 1 : cells:898596 faces:2787132 points:990317
Cells per refinement level:
0 543235
1 48681
2 306680

Marked for refinement due to surface intersection : 159213 cells.
Determined cells to refine in = 0.1 s
Selected for refinement : 168471 cells (out of 898596)
Edge intersection testing:
Number of edges : 6576117
Number of edges to retest : 4737635
Rhino Model and GH files is in t’he zip file.Please help me solve this question!~~

9_buildings CFD (460 KB)

Minggang, Did you solve this problem already? I can’t see any error messages here.

Yeah.I have solved the problem.

Great! Do you mind sharing your solution for the future reference?

Sorry for the late response. Can’t seem to download the zip folder any longer so I’m going to imagine this was a memory issue, especially if the error happened around where the text stops (so at the new refinement level which adds more cells to the mesh).

Increasing the VM memory for your linux installation is probably the first thing to do after installing BF!
