I am running a natural ventilation study of a house (9x9x3m), which was modeled as an Outdoor case. BF geometry has 4,4 values for the refinement levels.
The wind tunnel data comprises 44.97 * 82.21 * 18.20::dir (0.0 1.0 0.0)::1.100 m/s
I used tunnel grading, the blockage ratio is below 3% and snappyHexMesh settings follow the example file of the Natural Ventilation study from the Webnar: OpenStudio CFD training using butterfly.
However, when checking the mesh in Paraview, the edges are not orthogonal and the max value when checking for non-orthogonality is 60,32 with an average of 11,24.
(It seems a good value would be around 50, although the default max value from BF is 60 and I can`t find a way to change it)
Hi,@Nayara Butterfly used snappyHexMesh for meshing. It is hard to control the quality of meshing. Could you upload the grasshooper file for further discussion?
please find the files attached.
The study encompasses a 3-story house, but at the moment, only the ground floor was incorporated into the Grasshopper model. I am taking baby steps here, trying to make one thing work at a time. Thanks for helping!
Hi, @minggangyin
Thanks a lot for your contributions. It has already cleared many of my doubts.
However, when I run the model with the same configurations from the image you sent I don’t get an image like yours. Could you please send me the file you run?
Should I try different option until I reach a value below 60, or may I move forward, even with such value? I am afraid that I will generate unreliable results if the mesh does not have fulfilled the quality control.