I am trying to calculate solar radiation, reflection, and re-emission on exterior wall (heat transfer) with Ladybug or Honeybee:
- Please download and open the attached pdf file. For some reasons, the image changed in black color.
- I am trying to calculate 1, 2, and 3, on the specific day “from 00:00 to 24:00, 22nd August (one day).”
If I use Ladybug:
- Can I calculate “1. Incident Radiation” with the component “Ladybug_Radiation Analysis” or “Ladybug_Surface Hourly Solar”?
- Can I calculate “2. Reflection” with the component “Ladybug_Bounce from Surface”? How can I setup materials of wall surfaces?
- In order to calculate “3. Re-emission” from the wall, which component can I use in Ladybug?
If I use Honeybee:
4. Which component can I use to calculate “1. Incident Radiation”?
5. Which component can I use to calculate “2. Reflection”?
6. Which component can I use to calculate “3. Re-emission”?
- Is there any formula to calculate 2. Reflection and 3. Re-emission rate with a certain material at the location with latitude and longitude? For example, if I already know how much incident radiation is received by the sun on the brick wall surfaces in New York with the certain latitude and longitude, is there any specific percentage of 2. reflection and 3. re-emission for one day, 22nd Aug?
- My intent is to calculate “heat transfer” from the building surface to the surroundings.
Please help!
Thank you so much in advance.