Hi all …
The topic that brought me to Rhino/Grasshopper … then to Ladybug and soon to Honeybee is the solar systems (PV).
At this stage, I am feeling myself swimming in a big ocean …!
Therefore, I am asking for your help and advice to be able to hit my target in faster and professional way.
First: Can I simulate PV tracking systems (two-axis) using Ladybug/Honeybee? if yes (Is there any tutorial to follow?).
Second: I am trying to improve a solar system with fixed temperature and irradiation … employing solutions like cooling systems or the previous idea of tracking (I am also welcome and will be happy for additional suggestions) but can I do and investigate that in grasshopper environment?
Last: How can I get started to building design in Rhino/Grasshopper …? or at least … as an Electrical Engineer … Are there resources that I can access to 3D building files to build and design solar facades on them?
Thanks in advance … and Have a nice day