Solar/Visible glass properties - HB Glass Material Input Update LBT 1.2.0 to 1.3.0

Hi @chris ,

I noticed recently that the HB Glass Material has updated the inputs from LBT 1.2.0 to LBT 1.3.0, and the split between Solar and Visible is no longer available.

What would be the best way to control Solar and Visible transmittance/reflection separately with the new components?


Hi @RafaelA ,

I can tell you confidently that the 1.2.0 component that you have there is not one that we’ve ever released. We have always used _lowercase_with_underscores_ for all of the component inputs in LBT since the very beginning and, if you have inputs with _CamelCase_, then those are inputs that you or one of your team members have added.

There are many more properties of the window glazing material that exist on the SDK layer of the Python object that we purposefully didn’t expose on the component in order to keep it simpler. If you want to make a custom component that uses the SDK to expose these properties, I recommend pulling them out into a separate GHPython component that you plug the base _glazing_mat into in order to edit like so:

if _glazing_mat:
    new_mat = _glazing_mat.duplicate()  # duplicate to avoid editing the input
    new_mat.visible_transmittance = _VisTransmittance_
    new_mat.visible_reflectance = _VisReflectance_

Hi Chris,

Apologies for the confusion. Seems we amended this component ourselves sometime ago to enable the split between Solar and Visible properties.

I´ll follow your suggestion on how to make these modifications in a cleaner way.


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