Thank you Chris. Apologies for my late response. I upgraded to LBT 1.2. However the BSDF modifier still creates issues with the Annual Daylight component and the Point View analysis. All the components are up to date.
With Point view analysis, no images were created for luminance.
With the annual daylight component, this is the error I get when I use a BSDF modifier.
"1. Solution exception:The recipe failed to run with the following summary:
Scheduled 435 tasks of which:
- 147 ran successfully:
- 1 CreateDirectSky(…)
- 1 CreateOctree(…)
- 1 CreateOctreeWithSuns(…)
- 1 CreateRadFolder(…)
- 1 CreateSkyDome(…)
- 274 failed:
- 137 DirectSkyLoop(…)
- 137 TotalSkyLoop(…)
- 14 were left pending, among these:
- 4 were missing external dependencies:
- 1 AnnualDaylightRaytracing(…)
- 1 AnnualDaylightRaytracingLoop(…)
- 1 DirectSky(…)
- 1 TotalSky(…)
- 6 had missing dependencies:
- 1 CalculateAnnualMetrics(…)
- 1 LetAnnualDaylightFly(…)
- 1 MergeRawResults(…)
- 1 OutputMatrixMath(…)
- 1 _AnnualDaylightRayTracing_5cabed59Orchestrator(…)
- 4 was not granted run permission by the scheduler:
- 1 AnnualDaylightRaytracing(…)
- 1 AnnualDaylightRaytracingLoop(…)
- 1 DirectSky(…)
- 1 TotalSky(…)
This progress looksbecause there were failed tasks
Use the report_out attribute of recipe settings to see a full report."
- 4 were missing external dependencies:
21-0820 cleaned (129.9 KB)Doubleclearwithwhitefrit_50.xml (136.4 KB)