What is problem? Can you help me? This is my file. Solution exception: math range error.
composite.3dm (66.7 KB)
composite.gh (771.4 KB)
What is problem? Can you help me? This is my file. Solution exception: math range error.
Hi @hoda ,
There were a lot of cases in the legacy plugin where we just weren’t doing good enough checks to prevent cases like this. I recommend upgrading to the LBT plugin since I would be very surprised if you were able to recreate an error like this over there.
It means that I should replace all components lagacy with LBT and HBT? Can you explain more?
Legacy and LBT are 2 different products and can be installed at the same time.
You can see in your image the tabs HB_Legacy and LB_Legacy (those are the Legacy components) and should see Ladybug, Honeybee, HB_Radiance, HB_Energy, Dragonfly tabs for the LBT version.
I recommend installing LBT with the one-click installer from pollination (search for that in the forum. it has been discussed many times).