Solution exception:No module named Grasshopper


I am rather new to Grasshopper + Ladybug and am having an issue with Ladybug. I have installed and re-installed Rhino 5, GhPython and Ladybug and Honeybee on my PC, however, when I drag over the main Ladybug default folder onto the canvas I keep receiving an error message “Solution exception:No module named Grasshopper”.

I have looked at other posts that address similar problems like this one…

but in my case the paths are ok and the script files in place. I am, however, missing “scriptcontect.pyc”. Could this be the issue and if so how could I fix it? If not any other thoughts what might be wrong?

Thank you,


This sounds like an issue with Rhino installation. Can you try to just import Grasshopper in a GHPython component? Type line below in the component and press ok.

import Grasshopper.Kernel as gh

Does it give you an error?

Thanks Mostapha, unfortunately it gives me an error: 1. Solution exception:‘LightException’ object has no attribute ‘Kernel’…

Hi Elina

you need to update Rhino. Old versions of Rhino 5 do not work. Get the latest Service Release from the Rhino website.



Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates

Hi Giulio,

Thank you for advice, however, unfortunately, that did not solve it either.



I have the same issue. Where you ever able to figure it out?

I think mine is in part due to the fact that I have my Rhino on a separate E drive and all my Grasshopper components on a C drive.

All my other plugins work though, so I don’t know if this is the problem.



In case someone else searches for this, the problem is having an independent install of IronPython. I hear that the very latest or the exact same version as Rhino are OK to install. Other versions cause conflicts.

Uninstall IronPython from the Control Panel.


Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates

Have a look at the answer about the independent IronPython install above and please let me know. Thanks!


Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates

Hi Giulio,

Thanks for the quick response!

I was not able to uninstall IronPython as it came in the package when I installed Rhino 5. I tried deleting the files and deactivating it from the Rhino properties, but when I do this and try to open a python editor, it crashes Rhino and Grasshopper.

Is there a version of IronPython that works in harmony with ghPython?



Hi Mosh,

I am referring to an installation of IronPython that you can find in the Control Panel -> Applications. Not the modules that are installed with Rhino. Those are required!



Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates


I do not have this installed on my PC and the program still throws the error that it cannot find the Grasshopper module when I try to initiate the ladybug_ladybug.

Do I need to install an additional IronPython application perhaps?



Just to make sure we’re checking all the possible sources of this issue your Rhino is updated and you’re not using an older version of GHPython component?

Does this code work inside GHPython component?

import clr


import Grasshopper.Kernel as gh

Hi Mostapha,

I just got it working!

Sorry for the confusion, I was running an early version of GhPython.

Thanks for the help!


OK, nice.

Thanks Mostapha, awesome job. I cannot wait to use Rhino 6 only with all the setup taken care of :slight_smile:


I am having this problem too (on version 1.1.0). However, I have Rhino 6 installed.
And yes, I did run the .bat installer with Rhino 6 closed.

This is what I get after running the bat file:

Any help will be appreciated.


Ahh, nevermind. Found a post which helped me resolve it.
Just in case if anybody is led here, here is that link: