Spatial Disturbing glare with Imagless glare recipe

Hi all. Is there a way to generate spatial disturbing glare with imageless glare recipe and visualise it on radial grid as we do for glare autonomy?
@chris @mikkel

Hi @Asisnath,

Will this give you what you want? The GA in LBT is the percentage of hours that are glare free – you want the opposite. So we can subtract the GA values from 100%. Now we have the percentage of hours that are not glare free.

Similarly we can subtract the sGA values from 1.0 (100%). This will give us the sDG.

Thanks @mikkel for the answer but i want to visualise SDG on each sensor point as we do in dGP. The image below is from Climate studio for your reference.

I created a script replicating the above metric. Can you pls check once if its correct? (92.3 KB)

Is there a way to get sdg with dgp with more 5 % of time only as CS?

Hi @mikkel . Did you check the file?

Hi @Asisnath,

Yes, the file is correct.

Unless I am misunderstanding something you cannot visualize sDG for each sensor/view since it is a metric for the whole grid like sDA. You can visualize the “Disturbing Glare Frequency” for each view like in the image from CS – this is what you have in the file (100 - the GA values).

If you want to change the percentage of occupied hours you should also subtract the percentage of occupied hours from 100, so 5% equals a target time of 95.

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