Spatial Useful Daylight Illuminance (sUDI)

Hey there!

Since I find Useful Daylight Illuminance (UDI) a much more accurate method to predict daylight performance than Daylight Autonomy (as UDI can possibly account for glare discomfort), I decided to look for an equivalent spatial metric of Spatial Daylight Autonomy (sDA) for UDI, i.e. Spatial Useful Daylight Illuminance (sUDI). As for the literature, I’ve only found Konis, Gamas and Kensek (2016) work, in which they used sUDI as an objective function for evolutionary optimization. So, if anyone has more research references on this subject please let me know!

Now, for the LB part, I’ve made a custom sUDI component, which basically mimics the existing sDA component, though replacing all DA values for UDI ones. Here are the results:

Calculate HB spatial Useful Daylight Illuminance (sUDI) from lists of useful daylight illuminance values.
        _UDI: A data tree of Useful Daylight Illuminance values output from the "HB Annual Dalyight"
            recipe or the "HB Annual Daylight Metrics" component.
        mesh_: An optional list of Meshes that align with the _UDI data tree above, which
            will be used to assign an area to each sensor. If no mesh is connected
            here, it will be assumed that each sensor represents an equal area
            to all of the others.
        _target_UDI_: A number for the minimum target value for Useful Daylight Illuminance
            at wich a given sensor is considered well daylit. (default: 50).

        report: Reports, errors, warnings, etc.
        sUDI: Spatial Useful Daylight Illuminance as percentage of area for each analysis grid.
        pass_fail: A data tree of zeros and ones, which indicate whether a given sensor
            passes the criteria for being daylit (1) or fails the criteria (0). 
            Each value is for a different sensor of the grid. These can be plugged
            into the "LB Spatial Heatmap" component along with meshes of the
            sensor grids to visualize results.

__author__ = "gzbit"
__version__ = "2021.09.24"

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

ghenv.Component.Name = 'HB Spatial Useful Daylight Illuminance'
ghenv.Component.NickName = 'sUDI'
ghenv.Component.Message = '1.3.0'
ghenv.Component.Category = 'HB-Radiance'
ghenv.Component.SubCategory = '4 :: Results'
ghenv.Component.AdditionalHelpFromDocStrings = '1'

    from ladybug_rhino.togeometry import to_mesh3d
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_rhino:\n\t{}'.format(e))

    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import all_required_inputs, list_to_data_tree, \
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_rhino:\n\t{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    # process the input values into a rokable format
    udi_mtx = [item[-1] for item in data_tree_to_list(_UDI)]
    _target_UDI_ = 50 if _target_UDI_ is None else _target_UDI_
    lb_meshes = [to_mesh3d(mesh) for mesh in mesh_]

    # determine whether each point passes or fails
    pass_fail = [[int(val > _target_UDI_) for val in grid] for grid in udi_mtx]

    # compute spatial Useful Daylight Illuminance from the pass/fail results
    if len(lb_meshes) == 0:  # all sensors represent the same area
        sUDI = [sum(pf_list) / len(pf_list) for pf_list in pass_fail]
    else:  # weight the sensors based on the area of mesh faces
        sUDI = []
        for i, mesh in enumerate(lb_meshes):
            m_area = mesh.area
            weights = [fa / m_area for fa in mesh.face_areas]
            sUDI.append(sum(v * w for v, w in zip(pass_fail[i], weights)))

    pass_fail = list_to_data_tree(pass_fail)  # convert matrix to data tree

Cheers, Gustavo


I’ve a particular fondness for MOO.
Are you using: Wallacei?
That’s my favorite at the moment! too backlogged to make progress on some more AI/NN based stuff I’ve been scheming up

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To be honest, I’ve always been a faithful user of Octopus, and thus have never tried other MOO tools on Grasshopper. But thanks a lot for sharing Wallacei, it seems really powerful. I’ll definitely give it a try on my next projects :grinning:

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@gzorzeto hey, sorry to bother you. I am interested in sUDI component and i am new to lbt. I am wondering if you can give me some advice about how can i use your component in my PC. (I mean i do ont know how to make a new component in lbt althrough you already show us your code)
Many thanks for your time

I am interesting in sUDI,too! but as you said,there are few people doing research about this metric.

Hello, Climate Studio has nodes dedicated to this metric. It’s fast and there is a free trial period.

Hi! I’m very sorry for taking so long, but here’s a gh file including the sUDI component. (84.9 KB)

In general, if you want to use someone else’s GhPython code in your Grasshopper workflow, you just need to create a “GhPython Script” component in your canvas, double click on it and add the code. Also, make sure to change and add inputs and outputs to the component so that they correspond to what is being used and generated by the code.

thank u very much .it is really helpful