Specific year analysis

Hi, is there a way where I can set the specific year from the epw weather data file? Example, I want to run simulations for 21st Oct 2020, 21st Oct 2021 and 21st Oct 2022. LB Analysis period only allows me to set within the year

Thank you!

Hello @teoruijie!

You can download EPW files for Actual Meteorological Years (AMY) instead of Typical Meteorologial Years (TMY) from websites like NASA POWER or OikoLab. However you can only run only one year at a time and I don’t think there is a way to do multi-year simulation. You will have to simulate each year separately and then manually compare the results from each different year.

I hope this helps!

-edit: Just to make extra sure, I recommend you set a longer analysis period so that the simulation is more stable and get better results.