SplitBuildingMass not able to split a simple box into zones for more than 1 floor

Hi All,

Not entirely the same as previous issues, but for some reason the splitbuildingmasses is not splitting any floors above lvl1 into perimeter/core zones, claiming that the geometry cannot be accommodated - but it is a simple box…

Can anyone help me in this? Is there a coding issue here? Its worked in the past…

Splitbuildingmasses.gh (469.2 KB)

Thanks, Elly

Ah, I seem to have fixed my own issue by using the new components - Split2Floors and then Split2Zones.

Not sure why the combined one has issues - but glad to have found something that could work ! =D

Thanks again :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hi, @ElzineBraasch, glad that you solved the issue.

FYI, some previous discussions on similar issue, and the team also recommended to use the new sliptFloor and splitZone components for convex building massing: