SRI, Solar reflectance index

I have not found a specific component that it could define the SRI calculated according to ASTM E 1980 using values for reflectance and emissivity. Here for a more complete definition.

So I have some questions:

  1. Can you confirm that there isn’t a specific component in LB or HB that can calculate the SRI? If so,why the SRI is not considered? Have you in mind to consider it in future release?

  2. There is someone that developed a .gh model able to assess the SRI?


@Francesco661what did you ended up doing about this? I moved this topic to #feature category. We should be able to implement this feature if there is enough interest.

@mostapha finally I have used the .xls file to define the SRI for some roof surfaces to answer to a specific request of a project. Maybe it could be useful for someone else if this feature could be implemented.

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