Dear bee and bugs,
I got a strange fuzzy display of a mesh using the Recolor Mesh component in the perspective view, but not for top view…
May I ask if it is related to some of the Rhino display settings?
Thank you! (482 KB)
appreciate if you can kindly advise the source of this fuzzy display issue!
Hi Grasshope. It’s about how you’re creating the mesh. The faces are on top of each other. If you bake the mesh and then explode it you’ll see what I mean. Why don’t you recolor the original mesh?
The fix was easy. Change sx and sy to 1. Also attached. (481 KB)
Dear Mostapha, apologize for my late reply!
Thank you very much! Yes, the overlapping cells are the source of the problem. I’ve revized my GH workflow.
This is a proof of concept test to import noise simulation results from another software into GH for visualization and analysis.
Noise simulation! Very nice.