Sun analysis on a mesh gives wrong results

I imported a model from Google SketchUp in Rhino in order to perform a sun analysis.
The model was imported as a mesh.
When I run the direct sun hours calculation, I get the following result:

My grasshopper looks like this:

Altering the grid size doesn’t seem to help.
I use Rhino 8 and Ladybug 1.7.0.
Can somebody point out what went wrong in my simulation?

I have face similar issues and in my case everything gets fixed by reimporting the sketchup model.
Try to open a new rhino file and then File->Open->Select the Sketchup file and select the following options:


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Thank you so much for your reply.
It worked after I changed my Grasshopper like this:

Now I’m able to select my SketchUp model as a Brep.
Just 1 remaining question, do you also get the following view:

The colours in my sun analysis overlap and change when I zoom in and out…
Even after I turned of the preview and choose to hide the objects.