Hello everyone! I am new to Ladybug and first of all I want to thank and congratulate the creators for such an incredible tool.
I would like to ask about the accuracy of sunpath. I have made comparisons between the programs that show the position of the sun and reality and both sketchup and ladybug (or any other program that takes an epw file) generate shadows with a certain distortion, the only program that has matched the real shadow with the calculated one It has been Revit. I would like to comment on this case and ask you if you have had the same problem, I feel that it is likely that I am making errors in the calculation, but I have already checked the daylight saving time and even so the shadows are not completely accurate. To give an idea, one hour before sunset, I have a distortion of approx. 1m of projected shadow. They are minimal errors for general calculations but when studying the shadow in detail at certain hours it becomes a fundamental issue.
I have seen that in some forums there is talk that perhaps the difference is generated by an interpolation or calculation engine that estimates the direction of the sun’s rays for each particular location.
Thanks so much for reading. All the best!!