Hi all,
Has anyone seen the commands.bat duplicated like this before? I’m running the simulations iteratively to train a neural network to predict building metrics via backpropogation (using DF as the simple case here) and I’ve ran thousands before now without issues. The only change on my system lately was the install of Python 3.7 via the Anaconda install. I thought perhaps it had messed up the paths but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Additionally, I have been checking the analysis grid for changes and only running the generation and analysis recipe generation on new cases, otherwise storing it as an object to save a few milliseconds, but I disabled this for the test below to illustrate the issue.
Below is the batch file after a system restart and one manual run.
SET RAYPATH=.;c:\radiance\lib
cd C:\Users\RHU\Desktop\Backpropogation\Test\daylightfactor
c:\radiance\bin\gensky 9 21 12 -B 558.659217877 -c > sky\CertainIlluminanceLevel_100000.sky
c:\radiance\bin\oconv -f sky\CertainIlluminanceLevel_100000.sky sky\groundSky.rad scene\opaque\Test..opq.mat scene\opaque\Test..opq.rad scene\glazing\Test..glz.mat scene\glazing\Test..glz.rad > Test.oct
c:\radiance\bin\rtrace -lw 0.05 -dc 0.25 -h -ar 16 -ss 0.0 -I -dp 64 -ab 2 -dt 0.5 -dr 0 -as 128 -ds 0.5 -e error.txt -aa 0.25 -lr 4 -ad 512 -dj 0.0 -st 0.85 Test.oct < Test.pts > result\Test.res
c:\radiance\bin\rcalc -e "$1=(0.265*$1+0.67*$2+0.065*$3)*179" result\Test.res > result\Test.ill
SET RAYPATH=.;c:\radiance\lib
cd C:\Users\RHU\Desktop\Backpropogation\Test\daylightfactor
c:\radiance\bin\gensky 9 21 12 -B 558.659217877 -c > sky\CertainIlluminanceLevel_100000.sky
c:\radiance\bin\oconv -f sky\CertainIlluminanceLevel_100000.sky sky\groundSky.rad scene\opaque\Test..opq.mat scene\opaque\Test..opq.rad scene\glazing\Test..glz.mat scene\glazing\Test..glz.rad > Test.oct
c:\radiance\bin\rtrace -lw 0.05 -dc 0.25 -h -ar 16 -ss 0.0 -I -dp 64 -ab 2 -dt 0.5 -dr 0 -as 128 -ds 0.5 -e error.txt -aa 0.25 -lr 4 -ad 512 -dj 0.0 -st 0.85 Test.oct < Test.pts > result\Test.res
c:\radiance\bin\rcalc -e "$1=(0.265*$1+0.67*$2+0.065*$3)*179" result\Test.res > result\Test.ill
It’s late in the day but I thought I would post to see if the issue has been seen before.