Setpoints are strange!
Greetings to Everyone. Here’s a problem about the setpoint. The indoor temperature were unexpectedly low, having comparison and study, the problem is within the _HB ProgramType component.
1. Customizing the Setpoint.
I’ve changed the Setpoint with new schedules.
Notice that my setpoints are being more leninet:
The default Cooling_sch is 6:00-18:00——24°;18:00-6:00——29.5°;
Whereas mine is workingHour——26°; unoccupiedHour——36°.
And also I turned off all the heating during summer.
2. Simulate with Modified Program.
I run the simulation /only in SUMMER-TIME, I gained the data and I can read the IndoorTemperature.
The Indoor_Temperature is between 12-15 degree. That is unrational!
Meanwhile, the Heating demand is considerably low, which can be ignored.
3. Simulate with Original Program.
I unplugged this wire(from _HB setpoint to _HB program Type), so that the setpoints will be back to the base programe as the default.
I simulate again, and I can get the result:
The IndoorTemperature is between 16-22°, which seems like more rational to me.
The heating demand during summer is back, unexpectedly.
4. Honeybee Setpoint Component.
Because I have to set both setpoints simutlaneously, so I can’t use the single varible method to figure out which one, the cooling_sch or heating_sch is causing the malfunction. Or even worse, both are detrimental.
5. Summerizing the problem.
According to common sense, indoor temperatures in summer should not be maintained within the range of 12-15 degrees. It’s July 21st after all. Moreover, the base program is generating summer heating, which is also an error. Why are these abnormal values appearing? If the indoor temperature is really that low, there would be no need for air conditioning, and the CoolingDemand should be 0.
So what cause this deflection?