The problems of run wind analysis in butterfly

when I run the example files of butterfly, as long as I use the Butterfly-Block Mesh component, it will report a error:

  1. Solution exception:Error checking TLS connection: Error checking and/or regenerating the certs: There was an error validating certificates for host “”: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
    You can attempt to regenerate them using ‘docker-machine regenerate-certs [name]’.
    Be advised that this will trigger a Docker daemon restart which will stop running containers.

PS: The openfoam and OracleVM are successfully installed and both Rhino and OracleVM are runned as adminstrator, but the butterfly still cannot work properly.

The screenshot and the example file: (427.1 KB)

You do run the virtual machine but do you also run OpenFOAM? Can you share the screen shot of the OpenFOAM running as administrator?

still have some connection errors:disappointed_relieved:

Alright. Thanks for the image. Please close the openFOAM window and start it as administrator again. Sometimes, you need to try this a few times. No need to keep the Virtual machine running as admin. Let openFOAM fire up the machine itself. Can you please try that?

If I don’t run the Virtural Machine, it reports this error.

Try to type in “docker-machine regenerate-certs default” in this window

You mean in the openfoam window?

Can you please post the picture of following folder path on your machine?
C:\Program Files (x86)\ESI\OpenFOAM\1612\Windows\Scripts


I suspect that it has to do with your user name. Similar issue is posted here

Ok, now this is a new error. did you try to re-run the OF_Env_Create?

I have read that before, but there is no space in my username:disappointed_relieved:

Yeah, I have re-run it many times and it still can’t work.

I suppose maybe this is the problem

Ok, now please follow these steps:

> I have completed the OpenFOAM installation but Clicking on the OF_Create_Env throws an error: unable to find the image”of_v1712_centos73:latest” locally

Prerequisites: Right click on the Oracle Virtual Box shortcut and Open it as Administrator. If default is running, right click over it and select Close → elax pecial {t4ht= PowerOff to close it

  • Click on the Docker Quickstart terminal shortcut on your desktop to open the terminal. Check for any error messages. If there are no error messages, go to the next step. In the case of errors, please address the particular error, referring to the other FAQs listed here.
  • Type the command, docker images in the terminal.If the output shows no errors, go to the next step. In the case of errors, please address the particular error, referring to the other FAQs listed here.
  • Go to the installation foldere.g./c/Program Files(x86)/ESI/OpenFOAM/v1612/Windows/scripts from the Docker Quickstart terminal using the change directory cd command as below:

cd /c/
cd x86
cd ESI/OpenFOAM/v1612/Windows/scripts

  • Type the command docker load -i of_v1612_centos66.tar in the terminal window - this might take a while to execute, depending on system memory. Please note that of_v1612_centos66.tar refers to version OpenFOAM-v1612. The name of the tar file will change depending on the version.
  • Now click on OF_Create_Env to create the container.

Thanks for your help, I have successfully finished these steps in Docker Quickstart terminal

but the OF-Env still have some errors
so did the OF-start
and the BF still cannot work
and the Oracle VM is aborted and I can’t manually start it.
Thanks again:pray:

I installed the openfoam again and I find the host problem is already existed during the installation.