Does anyone have experience building generic “Earth” as a material in THERM. I’m looking at a foundation wall.
Here’s an bit of information from ISO 13370 on what thermal properties to use:
hope that is helpful!
Yeah, I think the conductivity would be the main component in the THERM model, so it should be good enough for a quick study.
You might want to also check out the modeling guidelines in ISO 10211: Thermal bridges in building construction. Specifically the Section 10.4 and 10.5.
As well, ISO 13370: Transmission Heat Transfer through Ground Floor is also helpful for those cases.
I might run into a technical issue with THERM where I can only have one exterior condition. I wanted to see if I could have the normal weather related exterior condition in addition to a steady-state earth temperature then relate that to the interior condition.
THERM is a steady-state solver, so you cannot really attach a weather file to it as a boundary condition. And temperature fields in the ground around the basement are very much transient and affected by both annual outdoor climate and the indoor temperatures in the basement. So, if this is something that you want to capture in your simulations you’ll need to use some other transient solvers.
True, it’s only really using the heating design day value from the weather file.
Agree, THERM doesn’t have the capability of simulating a material that is also simultaneously a source of 55 degree F.