Topologic <> HBJSON

Thanks for doing this @wassimj . This is exciting!

You can find plenty of sample HBJSONs and the code snippets that generate them on the honeybee-schema repo. The samples that contain the word “model” are going to give you complete Honeybee model definitions that you can use for reference.

You will also probably find this central page on the Ladybug Tools SDK helpful, specifically this link on that page to the docs of the HBJSON schema objects and this high-level overview of the HBJSON schema.

Lastly, If you install the Ladybug Tools core libraries using:

pip install lbt-dragonfly -U

Then, you can use this command to validate any HBJSON file that you have produced:

honeybee validate model [MODEL_JSON]

If I run the command on the TolologicBuilding.hbjson that you uploaded here, I can see that there are several cases of mis-matching adjacent constructions, which would make this HBJSON un-simulate-able in EnergyPlus:

Hope that helps and let us know if any questions arise.

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