Transient HAM Flow

Hi @Stranga,

I’ve now managed to dig out my script with the EMPD implementation. (1.0 MB)

As you’ll see the model is set up as a regular HB model with two additional features that plug into the additional strings input of the Export to OS component:

  1. The first panel sets EnergyPlus HeatBalanceAlgorithm to MoisturePenetrationDepthConductionTransferFunction and controls general settings.
  2. A second of panels control the Moisture buffering properties of the materials. These properties need to match exactly the material names created for your HB constructions.

The implementation is quite basic and I’m sure it could be made more user friendly than having all the settings embedded into text panels. I didn’t develop it further since I never needed it since then, but I can see how it could be useful in some particular cases.

I’m curious to know if you manage to get somewhere with the HAMT model, I found it terribly difficult to get all the material specs needed to use it.

I hope you find it helpful - if you have some trouble going around it, I’m happy to help you further.
