University coursework case study - Performance analysis for retrofit

Dear Ladybug community,

I would like to thank you all for creating these tools and sharing knowledge.
I want to share with you my coursework on performance analysis of integrated building systems where I used Ladybug tools. My coursework is far from being perfect, but I think it is worth sharing.
Be the judge and feel free to say what I did wrong, how would you make it and ask questions :slight_smile:

The report, grasshopper files, jupyter notebooks and supplementary files can be found at Github respository.

This study is composed of four steps:

  1. Results comparison with pure EP-launch to validate results from the Honeybee. (Ladybug, Honeybee, Ironbug)
  2. Batch simulation to run multiple cases in parallel on the parametric study that included multiple fabric and system parameters. (Ladybug, Honeybee, Ironbug)
  3. Run python script for sensitivity analysis (python module SALib)
  4. Optimisation using two objectives carbon footprint and comfort (Octopus). All results were saved and visualised using DesignExplorer (TT Toolbox, DesignExplorer)