Urban opt simulation not working

Urban opt simulation not working, does anyone know how to solve the problem?

  1. Solution exception:An URBANopt installation was found at C:\URBANopt-cli-0.14.0
    but the URBANopt executable is not accessible.
    Der Befehl “uo” ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder
    konnte nicht gefunden werden.

As the message suggests, it seems you need your IT to greenlight the URBANopt executables or turn off something in your antivirus software that is blocking the URBANopt executable from running.

Thank you but it didn t work, I am still getting the same message…

Hello, I also encountered the following error when running DF URBANopt:

  1. Solution exception: An URBANopt installation was found at C:\URBANopt-cli-0.14.0, but the URBANopt executable is not accessible. ‘uo’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
    While the OSM module produces simulation results, it doesn’t support multi-core parallel computing like URBANopt.

The same error also occurs with the template file.

Yeah I tried so much already…
Could you find a way to solve it?

Hello, my friend~ I haven’t got it working yet. I’m using the OSM+OSW modules for batch simulation of group buildings, as Urbanopt and its other features are still unavailable.

Hi, I also tried with OSM+OSW but the results are “empty”, I don t know what I am doing wrong… did you manage to do your simulations?