Urbanopt log error?

Hi there I am running urbanopt for around 100 buildings at the moment and getting this log…
is this a normal log??
or is there something that i need to update??

Thank you

Sorry the image has bad quality
it reads

run_dir ‘C:/Users/SEC/simulation/Seoul/run/honeybee_scenario/Building_73_4bd6d767/’ does not exist, simulation dir ‘C:/Users/SEC/simulation/Seoul/run/honeybee_scenario/Building_73_4bd6d767/’ out of date
simulation_dir C:/Users/SEC/simulation/Seoul/run/honeybee_scenario/Building_73_4bd6d767/ is out of date, regenerating input files
finished_job_path ‘C:/Users/SEC/simulation/Seoul/run/honeybee_scenario/Building_6_4bde0555/finished.job’ does not exist, simulation dir ‘C:/Users/SEC/simulation/Seoul/run/honeybee_scenario/Building_6_4bde0555/’ out of date

That all comes from the URBANopt CLI so the people at NREL (and on unmethours.com) are the ones who really know the answer. But I got the same messages in a successful simulation that I just finished running: