URGENT ! UWG ERROR! ZeroDivisionError

Hello everyone, I am running a UWG simulation in Python using JSON. When using the model with default building types, the simulation runs correctly, but when I create custom materials and building types, I get an error. Perhaps you can spot the issue, I have been searching for it, but I can’t find it. Below, I am providing the JSON I am using and the EPW climate file.

I need it to complete my doctoral work.
Thank you in advance.

json: json - Google Drive
epw:epw - Google Drive

This is the error shown in the console:
PS E:\Documentos\FAUD\1-DOCTORADO\0-Tesis Lautaro\UWG\Simulacion\Python> & “e:/Documentos/FAUD/1-DOCTORADO/0-Tesis
Lautaro/UWG/Simulacion/Python/nvenv/Scripts/python.exe” “e:/Documentos/FAUD/1-DOCTORADO/0-Tesis Lautaro/UWG/Simulacion/Python/simular.py”
Archivo JSON guardado como: json\Nuevo_EPW_50_E_config.json
Overwrite DOE reference schedule “pst80 midriseapartment” with custom schedule.
Overwrite DOE reference BEM “pst80 midriseapartment” with custom schedule.
Simulating new temperature and humidity values for 365 days from 1/1.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “e:\Documentos\FAUD\1-DOCTORADO\0-Tesis Lautaro\UWG\Simulacion\Python\simular.py”, line 51, in
File “E:\Documentos\FAUD\1-DOCTORADO\0-Tesis Lautaro\UWG\Simulacion\Python\nvenv\lib\site-packages\uwg\uwg.py”, line 1353, in simulate
self.UCM, self.UBL, self.BEM = urbflux(
File “E:\Documentos\FAUD\1-DOCTORADO\0-Tesis Lautaro\UWG\Simulacion\Python\nvenv\lib\site-packages\uwg\urbflux.py”, line 38, in urbflux
BEM[j].building.BEMCalc(UCM, BEM[j], forc, parameter, simTime)
File “E:\Documentos\FAUD\1-DOCTORADO\0-Tesis Lautaro\UWG\Simulacion\Python\nvenv\lib\site-packages\uwg\building.py”, line 457, in BEMCalc
VolCool = self.sensCoolDemand /
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
PS E:\Documentos\FAUD\1-DOCTORADO\0-Tesis Lautaro\UWG\Simulacion\Python>