Using Butterfly in Rhino 8 - Thesis topic


I’ve installed Butterfly to Rhino 8 and so far, so good. I am thinking about writing a thesis using CFD analysis on outdoor airflow for high rise buildings, somewhat complex in geometry, and I just wonder what peoples experience using Butterfly in Rhino 8 is? Since the latest version of Butterfly is only tested on Rhino 5/6. Can I go ahead or do anyone recommend me not to?

Very greatful for any help.


Butterfly can run on Rhino7, not support Rhino8. The main reason is Rhino used Python3,not python 2.7.

Thank you very much!

I also found that it is not compatible wtih the latest version of blueCFD-Core 20.1, but with 2017.2.

Good to see it should at least work with RH7. I’ll try & get it up & running on a M1 Mac, wish me well… :wink: