Hello all,
I am new to using Annual Daylight analysis in Grasshopper. I am using 1.6 Ladybug/Honeybee version. I need to use the Honeybee Window Material instead of the HB Glass Modifier because my variables are u-value, g-value and Visible light transmittance of glazing. However, when I assign this material as apertures on my HB model and plug in to the Annual Daylight, the heatmap does not affect by changing my variables (u-value, g-value and Visible light transmittance) (I mean the DA output is the same even though I change g-value which should effects the daylight transmittance). On the other hand, when I use the HB Glass Modifier and use different values for Transmittance, the heatmap by daylight analysis changes. I need your assistance to use the Window Material effectively in the annual daylight analysis. I attached the GH file and images.