Using same radiance parameters for glare and daylight analysis

Is it okay to use same radiance parameters for both glare analysis (DGP) and daylight analysis (sDA)?
I used two different set of parameters and sDA results seems kind of unrealistic in both: (-ab 5 -aa 0.10 -ad 1024 -ar 256) and (-ab 7 -ad 1500 -as 20 -ar 300 -aa 0.05).

DGP is impact more by direct and reflected radiation. So, unless you have some very high reflectance surfaces in your scene, increasing the value of ambient parameters like (-ab, -ar) etc. to high levels is likely not going to affect the results much. A value of around -ab 4 -ad 2048 -ar 1024 is likely enough for DGP.

On the other hand, unless your model is tiny, the values you have mentioned are too low for sDA calculations. Try -ab 5 -ad 2048 -ar 1024 -as 1024 and -aa 0.05. Then do another run with -ab 5 -ad 4096 -ar 2048 and -as 1024 and -aa 0.02 (this will likely take much longer to run). If the results from the first simulation are similar as the second one, then you can stick to the first set of parameters.



Thank you dear @sarith .
Yeah. It’s a somewhat a tiny model (4m*7m).
I was unaware about the HB Radiance Parameter component and I ended up using that. (rpict for DGP calculation and rfluxmtx for sDA with both set at high detail level)


I want to run simulation for calculating sDA and ASE. Should I also use the same radiance parameters? I put -ab=0 for ASE as per definition it’s for measuring the area with direct sunlight so I am not sure if -ab=0 indicates only direct sunlight. However the results seem too low to me and seems like with -ab=0 I don’t have glare in most of the zones which is skeptical. (77.6 KB)