UTCI Map : Solution Exception: Could not find a part of the path


I am new to Ladybug tools. I have recently updated to Rhino 8 and then according to compatibility matrix I reinstalled Ladybug 1.8, Radiance 5.4 and Openstudio 1.7

Before I did not have this problem and could calculate UTCI values. Now I get this error and could not solve it.

Solution exception:Could not find a part of the path ‘/Users/irm/simulation/unnamed/utci_comfort_map/logs/logs.log’.

I would appreciate much if you could help me sort it out.

Thank you

I see that you are on Mac. Did you fully uninstall the old version before installing the new version?

Yes, I did uninstall, by using the uninstaller.gh file.

I also checked the model by HB ValidateModel, it seems valid.

I read that it could be due to compatibility issues so I also share the configuration and versions of programs:

I realized that I made a mistake by installing Rhino 8.8 and it is not even listed in the compatibility matrix. I uninstalled all programs and installed aagain (this time with Rhino 8.7) Now it works!

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Thanks for posting your solution, @irmszn .

I think, at the time that you posted this, Rhino 8.8 was still just a “Release Candidate” and not yet an official release from McNeel. Part of the pact that McNeel makes with you is that, if you install a “Release Candidate,” you have access to the bleeding edge of development but there may be unexpected issues in it. So, if you are seeking stability, it is better to only update at the official service releases.

I’m sure that, when Rhino 8.8 is released officially, it should work well with Ladybug Tools.

Hi, I have this same problem and I want to reinstall rhino 8.7, however, I’m using an educational license so my system automatically updates when there is a new version. I don’t have my previous installers and when I try to find a download for 8.7 on the official site, it just shows me 8.8. Is there any way for me to access 8.7 with an educational license?