Hello everyone,
I am trying to write my master thesis and I will use the UWG to simulate the urban .epw taking into consideration the UHI. I am using the Ladybug tools 1.2.0 and my UWG gives me an error saying “The Urban Weather Generator failed to run” without any further explanation. I am new to the ladybug tools so I am sorry if my question is very simple.
As I am a new user unfortunately I cannot upload my grasshopper file. I would really appreciate it if you could give me a hand on what the problem could be.
There have been a few fixes to the UWG since LBT version 1.2. I recommend upgrading to 1.3 and, if you still experience an error, please upload a minimal sample file here and I’ll investigate.
I think I’ll also put in some better error parsing of the UWG’s traceback before we release LBT 1.4 this month. So this should make things easier to debug in the future.
Hi Chris, I did what you told me and still was giving the same mistake. However, I noticed that my problem was coming from the “DF Reference Epw parameters” tool and specifically the obstacle height. As I understand it the height we are supposed to give there is in meters so i gave in the beginning 4.79 as the weather station is in a residential area with single family houses. For this it gives me an error, while if I do it 0.479 it runs the simulation. Maybe I do understand it wrong. I have uploaded the screenshots and files below.
Thank you so much Chris for the fast reply.
Sorry for the late reply. I imagine that the source of the error is that the obstacle height at the reference EPW site is not too far from to the obstacle/building height in your urban model, causing a math domain error. In any event, I don’t have your input EPW file but tested your Grasshopper file with the latest development version of the LBT plugin (which you can get with the LB Versioner) and the run was successful:
Hi @chris , thank you for the reply and happy holidays
As far as I see from your screenshot, you have taken the obstacle height to be 0.4 m which runs also with the version LBT 1.3.0 which I am using. My problem is that the actual obstacle height which I should Input is 4.7m due to the fact that the weather station is in an area with single family house buildings. This is the one that gives me the error I mentioned. I don´t know if you uploaded the wrong screenshot and tried both cases also with 4.7 or I was not clear in the previous message.
Again thank you very much for the help you give I can imagine how busy days you have. Kempten_Durach-hour_aktuell.pdf (724.0 KB)