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I believe that this is an unintended consequence of a minor improvement. The issue is a reported error in the component HB Add Daylight Control. The component error is
1. Solution exception:add_daylight_control_to_center() takes at most 7 arguments (8 given)
What appears to be the problem is that in our summer we installed a computer image for students that had v1.6 of LBT.
We have 200+ students in the class, so having the students use the LBT versioner to update their copies of v1.5 from last year’s class to this year is the optimum way to work.
I have done the same on my own machine. The script of mine they are using has been compiled after use of the versioner. This means that some of the components are v1.61 or even 1.62.
We have confirmed with the students that replacing the v1.61 Add Daylight Control component with the v1.60 component from the Honeybees Energy tab on their student lab computers solves this immediate issue - confirming it is a version problem. To update for all users what we need to do is essentially reinstall LBT across all our computers.
Not sure if this avoidable, but would prefer to avoid this if we can in future.