Validation Result

Hi Guys
I modeled a office in HB
i want to know how can i valid my result and which way is easiest way for this ?

What did you model and what do you want to validate ?

a room of office from IEA task (3.5*5 m^2)
i want to valid my energy consumption result as paper

Sorry, I still don’t understand. Do you want to validate your model against a real office room or are you looking for some standard simulation case?

i’m looking for some standard simulation case
like this one ![image|690x387]

There are a number of standards you could use, for example ASHRAE 140, CEN Standard EN 15255 and 15265, International Energy Agency SHC Task 34, Technical Memorandum 33 (TM 33) and CEN Standard EN 13791.

thanks a lot :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::pray::pray::pray: