Hi everyone, I’m currently working with water loops using Ironbug. For some reason, when I input my RatedPowerConsumption, it gives me an error for my pump element. @TrevorFedyna@MingboPeng@chris
This is the error I get:
Solution exception:Failed to set Rated Power Consumption! Please double check input data type, or typo!
Detail error message:
Object does not match target type.
I don’t think it’s normal, since I’m inputting 120 W. Also, I tried autozing (-9999) and it gives me the same error.
I get an error of the same kind for the DesignPowerSizingMethod
Solution exception:Failed to set Design Electric Power Per Unit Flow Rate! Please double check input data type, or typo!
Detail error message:
Object does not match target type.
Hi @AESB99, have you opened any of the templates to refer to their water side and pump format?
I’m not really sure about this one, I’ve not used ironbug in a little while.
Hi @AESB99, thanks for reporting this issue. I just tested it on my side, it works all fine (see below video). What’s happening on your machine might be an incompatible OpenStudio version installed. Were you using the Pollination Grasshopper installer, or did you install OpenStudio by yourself?
Could you try to get a new ObjParms and connect it to the pump? Let’s see if this fixes your issue. This might because of old Grasshopper file that was created with the older version of OpenStudio.