Vegetation material with outdoor shading doesnt work

Good afternoon.

I´m trying to get the surface temperature for one hour in a year comparing the vegetation material and a high SRI material.

The model has two planes as outdoor shading elements, and I use two options:

Option 1: Red is high SRI material and purple is outdoor shading element.

The shading elementos works perfectly (See blue area)

Option 2: Red is vegetation material and purple is shading element.

I Can´t see the effect of the shading over the vegetation.

What is the cause of this?

Best regards

Hi @gonchotorena,

Have you seen this thread?

I would test to see if the sample file comfort under a tree works as intended and then adjust your detailed model.

In your model it doesn’t appear that the top surface of the ground has been split into smaller surfaces - I’ve replied to a couple of threads in the past about why that’s important, hopefully you can find them if that sounds useful


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Thanks @charlie.brooker !!

I thought this bug has solved with VegetationMat in the 1.4.0 version, but I see the problem is with E+.

So, I´m going to refocus the analysis in other way, I still want to use Grasshopper instead of Envi-met.

Best regards!