Checking the Verifying Your Installation page i want to ask if for using LB only Radiance needs to be installed or not?
I understand that the SkyMatrix component uses Radiance gendaymtx. So it could be nice to include this in the page, since it says that if you are only using Ladybug Tools for energy simulation, you will not need Radiance.
Hey @AbrahamYezioro ,
You are right that the “LB Sky Matrix” component currently needs to have Radiance installed in order to run but this is the only dependency that the ladybug plugin currently has on an external engine . All other ladybug components can run without the need to have any engine installed.
For this reason, there’s a high chance that, in the near future, we wrap this one tiny dependency that the ladybug plugin has into its own extension that can ship with the core libraries so that people don’t need to install Radiance to use “LB Incident Radiation”. But it would take us a bit of time to put this together and we are prioritizing some other critical features at the moment. If we realize it’s a big pain point for people, we can move it higher in the priority list but, at the moment, there are a few critical components like the Psych chart that I want to add before addressing this.
And the installation instructions are not wrong by saying “if you are only using Ladybug Tools for energy simulation, you will not need Radiance.” But, if you have a suggestion for how to phrase this better so that people know what engines they need for different capabilities, I’m happy to change the install instructions.
Hi @chris,
Wasn’t aware of the plans to include this dependency. And i know/understand this low priority.
No problem.