Vis_Set | global title missing


feature request to add global title to the vis_set.

the image below is normal visualisation

the image below is preview vis_set


Hi @anujm1ttal ,

I wasn’t planning to include the title text in the default VisualizationSet of the sunpath since many people use the visualization set as a 3D visualization with the legend being oriented to the screen. So the 3D title can seem a little out of place in this case and it probably makes more sense to connect the title output of the sunpath to a Screen Oriented Text component. What if we only included a title when a projection is connected to the sunpath? When the visualization is 2D like that, I can see how the title makes more sense.

Hey @chris ,
I was imagining that the vis_set should have all the data attached to it, the place, the analysis period etc.
the LB Legend 2D parameters could have another input title_par2d. Please see below an example of how it could look like, in both scenarios.

2D legend

3D Legend

I just think that the vis_set should have the data linked to it, how its displayed it the secondary conversation. :upside_down_face:

Let me know your thoughts on it.


this feature request is not specific to just Sunpath.
Sunpath was just an example.

similarly even for view analysis,
2D legend

3D Legend

and for others as well.


Hi @anujm1ttal ,

I just wanted to say that I have not forgotten about this issue but the proposed solution here would involve a change to VisualizationSet that would take some time to implement. Maybe we add some concept of VisualizationSet.title in the future that can include text like this that can easily swap between 2D screen and 3D scene world.

In the meantime, the best way for us to achieve the desired effect is for us to leave the 3D titles out of the visualization by default and you can just use the “Screen Oriented Text” as I mentioned.