In Honeybee, the ‘Label Faces’ component has a toggle for normal or sub-face display. This is helpful. In ‘Color Faces’, is there way to have it show only the non-aperture faces as well?
I have a lot of window types, which makes the color gradient not super useful
I would also find it useful to easily separate the opaque parts from the apertures in the HB faces (not only for displaying them), and I often need to find ways to work around the problem. Here’s a workflow that came to mind. It may not be as clean as you hoped, but it’s effective!
In short, I would use a “face attribute” only applicable to the openings to filter out their meshes (without needing to know the names of the constructions), and then I would recolor the mesh, using the number of opaque constructions to reduce the gradient length.
hb_rooms_ = []
for room in _hb_rooms:
new_room = room.duplicate()
for face in new_room.faces:
face.remove_sub_faces() #<----- this line